Milei has a plan to secure a majority in Congress: American-style elections. The president has proposed instituting a system ...
Argentina's President Javier Milei intends to sign a decree next week aimed at the privatization of flag carrier Aerolineas ...
The Argentinian government statistics agency says the official poverty rate in Argentina jumped to about 53% during the first ...
Milei’s image falling: in three months, it went down 9.3% in ranking of South American presidents; New CB Consultora poll put ...
Argentina's libertarian-leaning president Javier Milei blasted the United Nations as a "leviathan" of hypocrisy, referring to the mythological sea beast, during his speech this week at the annual UN ...
Argentinian President Javier Milei took the United Nations (U.N.) to task during his speech to the U.N. General Assembly on ...
Poverty in Argentina rose to affect over 52 percent of the population in the first six months of self-declared ...
Argentina's new president just delivered his debut speech to the United Nations that transcends national borders and ...
Poverty in Argentina reached its highest level since the aftermath of the 2001 financial crisis in the first half of the year ...
Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei, who has managed to stay popular despite painful spending cuts since taking ...
Argentina’s economy posted a larger-than-expected upturn in July, a promising signal for President Javier Milei with the ...
Argentina's poverty rate jumped from 41.7% to 52.9% during the first six months of Javier Milei' s presidency, the statistics ...