Maize performed better than feared for a Sussex dairy herd, including bumper results for a new variety.   Farmer John Hancock ...
Combines are slowly being packed away across the UK, although some crops are still waiting patiently to be cut as the weather ...
The silage I’ve been complaining about for three months has now gone. It brought health problems, but also milk, which has ...
Cattle and sheep farmers now have the option of vaccinating their animals against bluetongue after the first doses of vaccine ...
A network of cover crop champions co-ordinated by the AHDB has been set up to showcase the various impacts of cover crops and ...
NFU Mutual has agreed to temporarily re-open its insurance cover for bird flu after a second insurer closed its books to new ...
Early adopters of a colostrum-boosting vaccine being imported from the EU are integrating it into youngstock plans via a five ...
Building soil organic matter in arable soils is increasingly recognised as important for improving soil structure and water ...
The deputy prime minister is to rule on whether a solar energy company can erect panels on about 52ha of tenanted farmland in ...
Efficient use of a mobile sheep-handling yard can help reduce stress and fatigue, and lower fixed costs, benefiting sheep, ...
Peterborough City Council is continuing to sell off its council farms with the listing of five lots covering a combined 493ha ...
A self-guided forage dispenser is the latest option for DeLaval’s labour-saving Optimat automatic feed-preparation system, ...