WULF in 2024 is funded by the Welsh Government, administered by TUC Cymru and run by dedicated WULF project managers. They ...
From a writer’s point of view, currently the Writers’ Union does not feel that AI is close to being able to replace, entirely ...
Note: Caution should be exercised in comparing these percentage figures with those presented in the 2020 TUC Equality Audit because the overall sample of unions is small, and the sample size is ...
Welcome to the 156th TUC Congress in Brighton. As always, Congress is a chance for unions to come together, celebrate our achievements and democratically decide our priorities for the future. With 48 ...
This Summer, 5 Welsh young trade union activists travelled to Germany to learn about how German trade unions are mobilising young workers around the topic of Just Transition. Ryan, Hazel and Tomos ...
Yr haf hwn, trafaelwyd 5 o weithredwyr undebau llafur ifanc o Gymru i'r Almaen i ddysgu am sut maent yn ysgogi gweithwyr ifanc ynghylch y pwnc Pontio Teg. Yma mae Ryan, Hazel a Tomos yn dweud wrthym ...
Workers continue to experience serious pressure in the workplace. Across the public sector workers are challenged by increasing demand and fewer staff, as the Conservative government persistently ...
After a period of consolidation we have continued to develop our backroom functions and prepared the ground for major change in the coming years. In January 2024, the TUC agreed a new strategy to ...
This summer three young workers from Wales travelled to Norway to take part in the LO Norway’s summer patrol. On the patrol young workers visit workplaces and talk to other young workers. They run a ...
More than six million workers in the UK are in a union – from nurses to pilots, actors to lorry drivers. Find the right union for you, today.
A good apprenticeship is a route to a rewarding career. But some apprentices are not even paid the legal minimum wage. We want to help apprentices get good training, be paid right and treated well.