Crises in the Middle East, and especially the situation in the Gaza Strip, will be in the center of attention during the ...
In Ufa district a large fire destroyed three one-storey residential houses and two cars. About it on September 24 reported in ...
Scoliosis is one of the most common musculoskeletal problems in children and adolescents. This pathology is characterized by ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose powers expired on May 20, wants the Democrats to win the American presidential ...
Overnight, air defense means destroyed 13 drones over three regions of the Russian Federation. This was reported in the Russian Defense Ministry on September 24."During the past night, an attempt by ...
The Shiite movement Hezbollah launched rocket attacks on airbases and a factory in Israel. This was reported by Al Mayadeen TV channel on September 23.
Specialists have completed the modernization of a large gas regulator point "Kuntsevo 95" in the west of Moscow. This was reported by Deputy Mayor of the capital on housing and public utilities and ...
A new package of sanctions against Russia and Belarus was adopted in New Zealand because of the situation at Zaporizhzhya NPP (ZNPP). This became known on September 24 from a statement on the website ...
Stroke is an acute disruption of blood circulation in the brain, which, as a consequence, leads to organ damage. Elderly ...
Российские военнослужащие поразили пункты дислокации боевиков Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) в Запорожье. Об этом 24 сентября ...
В Уфимском районе крупный пожар уничтожил три одноэтажных жилых дома и два легковых автомобиля. Об этом 24 сентября сообщили ...
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский, полномочия которого истекли 20 мая, хочет победы демократов на выборах американского ...