Croatian PM Andrej Plenković has sat down for an interview with CNN in which he discussed Croatia's development and more.
Aarhus is followed by Zurich and Berlin, and 19 of the top twenty happiest cities are European. Scandinavia dominates, and it ...
The Croatian Končar company has presented its latest impressive battery motor train in Berlin, and the crowds were impressed.
The North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project holds hope for Croatia and its partner countries in this commendable feat.
The first Zadar passenger train in eleven long years has finally arrived, opening up a new travel chapter for the Dalmatian ...
Croatia coach Zlatko Dalić invited 25 players for the matches against Scotland and Poland, which will be played in October ...
Hvar, a Dalmatian gem known as Croatia's premier island is set to host the exciting (and gruelling) Spartan World ...
The well-known Croatian Arena Hospitality Group has successfully opened a brand new luxury hotel in the German capital.
Smoking in general is gradually becoming a rarer sight now than it has ever been. Vaping is now almost as common, and the ...
A recently held Enosophia event delved deeper into the roles of Graševina & Frankovka, the Slavonian yin & yang.
The popular Trogir Cultural Summer/Trogirsko Kulturno Ljeto manifestation has seen record numbers of visitors this year.
Will parts of Croatia flood like elsewhere in Europe? As water levels cause issues elsewhere, Croatia isn't immune to similar ...