A business attorney in private practice before becoming elections supervisor in 2019, Link has worked hard to earn voter ...
It culminated at least once in a threat to her personal cellphone. "I used to work late at night," Wendy Sartory Link said ...
Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Wendy Sartory Link Thursday ordered the removal of a Palm Beach County woman for ...
As her office mailed out tens of thousands of ballots, Palm Beach County's Supervisor of Elections invited questions about ...
Urban League of Palm Beach County Candidates for sheriff, state attorney, county commissioner and other positions answered ...
A Florida elections official says the vice presidential nominee's name was misspelled due to a "manual typed change." ...
Florida also sent overseas electronic ballots Sept. 20. But a problem soon emerged in Palm Beach County, home of the infamous butterfly ballots and hanging chads from the 2000 presidential election: ...
Mail-in ballots that were sent Friday to overseas Palm Beach County voters offered “Tom Walz,” not Minnesota Gov. “Tim Walz,” ...
Officials in Palm Beach County, Fla., said that they had emailed 257 ballots to overseas voters before catching the error and ...
The Palm Beach County, Florida Supervisor of Elections said Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic nominee for vice ...
A handful of voters in Palm Beach County received electronic ballots with the incorrect spelling of Democratic ...
As her office mailed out tens of thousands of ballots, Palm Beach County's Supervisor of Elections invited questions about ...